Classes & Events, Uncategorized
Pregnant Mamas & Papas to Be! Childbirth requires you to listen into yourself, requires patience, being in the moment. How are you going to successfully manage and cope with the “pain” of childbirth? How will you stave off panic, fear, exhaustion,...
Pregnancy & Birth Articles, Uncategorized
The American Congress of ObstetricsSafe Prevention of the Primary Cesarean Delivery “…. Although cesarean delivery can be life-saving, for the fetus, the mother or both, in certain cases, the rapid increase in the rate of cesarean births without evidence…....
Pregnancy & Birth Articles, Uncategorized
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About, Blog, Uncategorized
Heart-Centered, Spiritually Grounded Pregnancy & Childbirth Support! Mamas-to-Be, Know that this is What You Deserve to Receive! Hugs and loving support for mama throughout the laboring process Prayer & Surrender“I am ever so grateful for...