TLC Midwifery Care and Womens Health Center, Los Angeles, CA
Davi Kaur Khalsa, CNM (310) 278-6333; www.tlcwomanscenter.com
South Coast Midwifery & Womens’ Health Care, Irvine, CA
Lorri Walker, CNM (949) 654-2727; http://www.southcoastmidwifery.com/
Beach Cities Midwifery & Womens’ Health Care,Laguna Hills & Long Beach, CA
B.J. Snell CNM (949) 215-7575; http://www.beachcitiesmidwifery.com/
Natural Birth Center & Women’s Wellness, Whittier, CA
Simona Istrate, CNM (562) 696-2313; http://www.naturalbirthcenter.com/
Beach Cities Birth Service Los Angeles, South Bay
Mary Lou O’Brien, CNM (310) 376-5647; http://www.beachcitiesbirthservice.com/
Blessed Beginnings, Lake Forest, CA
Sue Scott-Gill, LM, CPM (714) 222-8759; http://www.blessedbeginnings.net/
Home~Birth Service, Sherman Oaks, CA
Leslie Stewart, CNM (818) 380-6400
Other Resources
Seventh Chakra Yoga (Best Prenatal Yoga in town!), Huntington Beach, CA
714-965-7770; http://www.seventhchakrayoga.com/
Cord Blood Banking, Amy Walsh, Awareness Advocate, 888-780-2885; www.cordbloodbanking.com
Chiropractic Care and Acupuncture
~Dr. Aimee VanDerschelden
Momma’s Chiro,
~ Bergman Family Chiropractic, Prenatal adjustments, Huntington Beach
Dr. John Bergman; 714-962-5891; http://www.bergmanchiropractic.com/
~ Berlin Wellness Center (Prenatal Care)
Dr. Elliot Berlin (LA Office);
~Tina and Mukunda Singh
Healing Light Family Acupuncture
18430 Brookhurst St #102, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
~Dr. Dane Fliedner
Raising Sages Pediatrics
Lactation Support
~ Yolanda Fortin, PhD., Lactation Consultant; Postpartum Doula; Irvine, CA
949-854-7154; www.phdmilk.com
~Reka Morvay
OC Lactation Consultation
Postpartum Doulas
Andrea Mozelle, MadamMozelles, (Prenatal/Postnatal/Nanny services), http://www.madammozelles.com, 310-462-2171
Lyssa Harder, http://www.thexomfortdoula.com, 562-533-5485
Abby Dubose, (Placenta Encapsulation) Kiwi Care Birth Services, 949-836-8771
Jennifer Marsicano, The Nanny Doula Service, http://www.thenannysdoulaservice.com, 714-422-7945
Suggested Reading Resources
(These are just a few for now. There is so much to share with you, so this will list continue to grow!)
• Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth, By Ina May Gaskin
• Birth As We Know It, by Elena Tonetti –Vladimirova, www.birthintobeing.com
• Conscious Pregnancy, by Tarn Taran K. Khalsa
• Bountiful, Beautiful Blissful, by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa
• Prenatal Kundalini Yoga & Meditations for Mothers-to-Be, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa
• Birthing From Within, by Pam England
• The Happiest Baby on the Block (book and video), by Harvy Karp
• Official Lamaze Guide: Giving Birth with Confidence, By Judith Lothian, Charlotte DeVries
• Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities: A Guide to the Medical Literature, By Henci Goer
• Your Best Birth, by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein
• The Business of Being Born (Video series), by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein
• Birth After Cesarean: The Medical Facts, By Bruce L. Flamm
• Waterbirth Basics, by Barbara Harper
• Waterbirth International website
• Homebirth Guide, Promoting a Joyful Homebirth Experience www.home-birth-guide.com/homebirth-cost.html
To Every woman who is pregnant...
To every woman who has birthed a child, To every woman who has birthed and then lost a child, To every woman who has longed to birth her own child but instead became a mother to other children, I acknowledge you and I honor you, the world needs you.
Where would we be without the mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers of our ancestral female lineage. We need, we require, we must acknowledge the energy and the wisdom of our foremothers who birthed and mothered before us. Their courage and strength runs through our veins… and as women, this is how we know we can birth and birth naturally, if we choose to.
~ Angela J. Brown, Los Angeles, 2005