Meet the Families
of DoulaLovesCreation
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Grounded, resourceful, experienced, funny, and all around WONDERFUL! I call her my doula mama, and while I do not think there are the words to express my utmost gratitude and sheer awe of Angela, I will try…I knew as soon as I got pregnant that I needed a doula. I felt like I wanted someone who was grounded and also experienced. Lets be real, my husband and I had never had a baby, we didn’t know what we were doing. So I hoped for a guide through the whole process. I would only suggest that if you want a doula, meet with different doulas and feel what it is like for you to be with different doulas, because as soon as we sat with Angela, I knew, I just knew she was the woman I wanted by our side. The thing about Angela is that her support of me didn’t begin at birth but she unlike other doulas had a one-hour call with me every single month of my pregnancy, she was available by phone/text ALWAYS, and would continually check in with us (and I say “us” because she equally supports the partners).
I want to note that I wanted to have a vaginal, unmedicated birth, and yet we wanted to have it in a hospital because it helped us to feel calmer if anything was to happen. Angela 100% supported this. We did a Hypnobabies course (with a different instructor), and Angela was always in support of our work. I think that is the thing I always appreciated about Angela, is that she continually met us where we were…and what our needs were.
So labor began…Angela was there. She walked with us, she meditated with me, she laid with me, she massaged my back, and she was there both emotionally and physically. Let me tell you…I labored for 40hours, and Angela was there! When you get into a hospital room and the midwife says “hey!” to your doula, heaps of the nurses are like “hey Angela” then you know you have made the right decision. She is sooo experienced, she knows her different locations (both hospitals and birthing centers), and medical professionals respect her. Even when she had stepped out of the room briefly, one of the nurses shared with me that they were so happy Angela was my doula because she is a rockstar, and I couldn’t agree more. I delivered at Kaiser Irvine, vaginally and unmedicated. It was AH-MAZING!!!!
Another thing that Angela was INVALUABLE with was helping managing our families during my labor. Both when we were still at our house and then the hospital, Angela helped with upholding our birthing wishes and boundaries.
I truly don’t think that our experience would have been as amazing or fulfilling without Angela.
From the Dad: First off, I was initially skeptical of needing a doula. With that said and without a doubt, I am truly grateful to have had Angela there to help us navigate the birthing process. She was instrumental helping us stay calm and collected through out this amazing experience. She was a pillar of support and I cannot express how thankful I am for her. I whole heartedly recommend her services and support!

She really is the best Doula/Wombman Servant! Not only was Angela a key person in anchoring love, strength, faith and support for me. She was present at both my babies birth. She has not only supported me in my births but also has been a great spiritual guide for me. I call her my spiritual mother. She has gotten me through some very difficult times and given the knowledge of my own strength. I love you. ~ Marta

“Having a natural birth was a dream comes true. I will never regret the moment I made the decision to call Angela the week before I gave birth!
After leaving the first consultation with Angela, we were so grateful to God that He put us on your path. It was the most beautiful and amazing experience having my little David naturally. It was a dream come true thanks to your knowledge and positive, loving and caring persona. Having you by my side was ideal, thank you for all your support. You are my Angel, Angela, many Blessings!”

“I cannot express enough how fortunate I was to have met Angela. When I hired her during my first trimester, I was under the impression that a Doula would be present in the delivery room and would assist my husband to coach me through a natural birth in addition to preparing my husband and I for what we could expect in the delivery room. However, Angela did so much more than this for my family. We met many times and spent hours discussing what this event truly meant to my husband and me on an emotional level which contributed to making the entire experience beautiful and sacred to both of us. With her guidance, I was, not only confident in my ability to face every challenge I would experience in the delivery room, but those my husband and I would face in parenthood as well. In addition to the many times we met over the nine months of my pregnancy, she held seminars, yoga classes and movie marathons that all proved to be integral in developing the consciousness needed to have the birthing experience we envisioned from the beginning. In the delivery room, when I found myself occasionally lost in the pain, she brought me back to my original birth intention with her words of encouragement, calming presence and reminders of the techniques she taught me in preparation for the tougher times. Her words and lessons proved to be invaluable during one of the hardest challenges I have ever faced in my life. I consider Angela a dear friend now as well as a teacher for whom I hold a tremendous sense of gratitude. Anyone considering a natural birth experience would benefit greatly from Angela’s services. I continue to benefit from her lessons as a new mother even now.”

“Despite how well informed I was about the process of pregnancy and birth, my belief that birth is natural and excitement for my own child, early on, I experienced anxiety and wavering self-confidence. I knew that if I continued through my entire pregnancy in such a negative mental and emotional state, I was headed for a difficult pregnancy and a long, complicated “labor.” So, I went on a search to find a Doula. She had to be someone who could look me in my eyes and remind me of what I already knew, that I could do it, as women have before me since the beginning of time. I know for a fact that having Angela, a spiritually grounded, naturally intuitive and supportive Doula assisted me in tapping into the confident and radiant birthing woman that I am, which allowed me to experience a completely natural, powerful and effortless 2 ½ active labor (3-10 cm) birth. Not bad for a first child! I Love you Angela”

“You got my stalled labor going! Through your prayers and visualization, my stalled labor began again and ended four hours later! Your massage through every contraction was crucial for me. Your presence was calming and reassuring–it would not have been the beautiful birth it was without you.”
“We connected on a spiritual and emotional level, and it gave me confidence knowing you would be there to assist me. This confidence enabled me to have great strength during my daughter’s birth. I was very grateful that you were my doula. You were supportive during and after the birth.”

“Angela Brown was more than I ever could have wished for in a Doula. She was incredibly loving, she brought strength to both Ken and I, and her prayers filled us with the love of God… she made me feel like I could really give birth like a champ. Angela is God’s gift to delivery. I love her.”

Angela J. Brown, RN
Childbirth is truly a sacred and love-filled experience.
May you use your 9+ months of pregnancy consciously and wisely so that you bring yourself into alignment with this sacred and holy journey. May you continue to rise above any fears that you may have about childbirth, invest in yourself and allow Doula Love’s Creation to support you throughout your pregnancy and the birth of your baby. We honor you respect your birth choices.