Mary Morrissey, International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, CEO Consultant, Visionary, Empowerment Specialist, reviews my new book, “Elevating Thought, Affirmations for Pregnancy & Birth… “Elevating Thought, Affirmations for Pregnancy & Birth” is...
It’s EXCITING that today (Saturday, April 18, 2015) is ELEVATING THOUGHT DAY! I am grateful and deeply appreciative that my new book, “Elevating Thought, Affirmations for Pregnancy & Birth is being launched on!” Today, as we support the book launch by...
Elevating Thought… The writing of a book brings up so much. The release and launch of a first book brings up even more! Yet,there is still immense joy in my heart, it is a deep joy even though I shall express my momentary grief and feelings of sadness now....
Join us Next Sat., Oct. 19, 2013!You’re invited to join us in the incredible launching of the book that every pregnant woman, first time, second time mom must have! “Everything I needed to Know I Learned from a 6 Month Old – Awakening to...