It’s EXCITING that today (Saturday, April 18, 2015) is ELEVATING THOUGHT DAY! I am grateful and deeply appreciative that my new book, “Elevating Thought, Affirmations for Pregnancy & Birth is being launched on Amazon.com!” Today, as we support the book launch by going to Amazon.com, may this be a symbolic and collective representation of each of us elevating our thoughts toward our own dreams! IMAGINE this! Today, as we choose to elevate our thoughts, we are saying YES to the manifestation of our own visions and dreams! We are individually and collectively setting a powerful intention to keep our thoughts elevated and at Love’s Frequency! By coming together, in consciousness, we are accepting for each other that each of our dreams is worth materializing into form! Can you feel the energy? Can you feel the power of millions of people coming together and raising our thought vibration in manifestation and the celebration of our own dreams?” I can!
“Elevating Thought, Affirmations for Pregnancy & Birth” makes a difference and gives back. A percentage of the proceeds from the sales of the book will go to support pregnant women in homes for pregnant women. You also have the opportunity to become a Book Sponsor! (For more details, click here: https://doulalovescreation.com/elevating-thought/)
Whatever you may be “birthing into manifestation” in your own life, your own child, a new idea, a book, greater self-love, a business, a home, health, a website, a new car, or a new relationship, etc., let’s symbolically do it together by agreeing to purchase Elevating Thought on Amazon.com today! For one complete day, YOU (WE ALL) get the opportunity to pour ONLY love, happiness, success, wealth, gratitude, joy, vision, compassion and positive affirmative thought into OUR heart’s truest desire!
P O W E R F U L!
To purchase your copy, go to: http://goo.gl/bEsBjZ Spread the word! Thank you!
Book Launch Celebration is at Granola Babies In Costa Mesa from 1-4pm TODAY! RSVP here: http://goo.gl/VkMTLM It’s a FREE event. Stop on by and play with us!
Book Launch Celebration is at Granola Babies In Costa Mesa from 1-4pm TODAY! RSVP here: http://goo.gl/VkMTLM It’s a FREE event. Stop on by and play with us!