Pregnancy Life Coaching
As you know, pregnancy is a journey into daily unknowns and learning how to embrace them. It can sometimes be filled with anxiety, fears and insecurities around childbirth or being a mother or both. I believe that pregnancy is a time for a pregnant woman to develop trust in herself and the birth process. In this day and age of pregnancy, birth and motherhood, women need to prepare their minds and hearts for birth and motherhood by becoming holistically proactive in their pregnancy and childbirth education. I say holistically, because a pregnant woman benefits herself and her child when she works on her whole self; spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. When she is able do this with the right support around her, she will experience a calmer, more emotionally balanced and peaceful pregnancy and birth.
How supportive would it be for you if you were able to receive, compassionate, professional and loving support throughout your pregnancy and birth? Have you ever felt as though you should be able to do it all by yourself or do you feel as though your husband/partner does not support or understand you?” Whatever your emotional concern, pain or fears may be, please know that you have come to a place where you can safely work to reveal and heal through it. You will be supported in navigating through any pregnancy or birth anxiety that you may be experiencing. Remember, it is only temporary. My intention is to support you in gaining greater clarity, calm and peace within yourself and about your situation. You will learn how to constructively manage any emotional upheaval that may accompany pregnancy; as well as, develop the tools necessary that will support you in effectively communicating your needs and resolving inner conflict.
If you desire a sacred place to go and be still, to be heard, to take a moment to get away from it all, bond with yourself and baby, these sessions are for you. These sessions are designed for pregnant women and expectant couples who consciously choose to do the loving inner work, go deeper and grow individually, as a couple, and as new parents. Receiving pregnancy life coaching sessions during pregnancy is a loving and supportive way for you to honor yourself as you navigate through the unknown changes that are occurring within your body and in your relationship with love, patience and understanding. Being supported in this way will allow you to remain in a positive and uplifting flow of energy during your pregnancy and upcoming child’s birth.
Sessions involve authentic communication, breath work, meditation, visioning and prayer. Sessions are by phone, Skype or in person. To schedule a Pregnancy Life Coaching Session, please contact me.
In loving support of your journey,